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UPDATE 18-05-2020


CMCdN Culitzsch Germany




Dear Classic Cross Friends,

The ECMO Board hopes that you and your loved ones are doing well and that you can live a healthy life in these absurd times. BE CAREFUL AND STAY SAFE!!!!

We as the board are all healthy and fit.

The board doesn't take any risk with regard to the upcoming CMCdN in Germany. Zero!!!! And because so many things are still uncertain and there are so many questions and where the experts predict a second infection wave and most important, there is still NO VACCINE!!!!! The board has taken her responsibility and has made a decision.

In consultation with MC Culitzsch and the German representative Mr. Mühlig, we decided to cancel the CMCdN 2020. How much we regret this decision, it is, above all, inevitable. Many of our riders are in the so called "risk group", 60+. That makes it even more risky.

We know that all of you, after sitting at home and preparing your bike for the seventh time, you want to cross. Complete understandable! But as long as we have to fight against the "virus terror", and no vaccine available, it remains very dangerous. And then all the uncertainties. Can you travel free in Europe or are there in some countries restrictions? What special measures will the different governments take? Can the club make a standard paddock? How do we deal with social distancing? Etc.etc. And a lot of todays rules will stay for weeks or months when hopefully there comes no new infection because of the easing of the rules.

The world has changed through this virus and shows us also that we as human beings must have respect for the nature. We also have rediscovered togetherness and helpfulness.

We hope that you will understand this painful decision. Let us forget this year as soon as possible and look forward to the next 2021 season with hopefully a vaccine!

We wish you all a lot of health, keep your distance and avoid too many contacts so that we can meet each other safe and sound somewhere in Europe in 2021.

Board of ECMO

On behalf of them, Alberto





CEC-1 (Molenbeersel-BE) CEC-2 (Reading EN) and CEC-3 (Jinin-CZ)



Dear Classic cross friends,

At this moment, as we all know and feel, the world is ruled by the covid-19 virus. A powerful and dangerous virus. And as long as we don’t have an inhibitor for this virus and we still are travelling all over the world it will be difficult to contain this disease and hope to get it completely under control. Specially visits to countries with poor housing and hygiene can enlarge the problem in the very near future.


KEEP DISTANCE AND STAY SAFE!!!!!! Then we will see each other again for sure.

You will understand that the complete “ECMO Spring” competition, the 3 CEC races has been cancelled now, on April 3.

Public health must be top priority now all over the world and for sure at ECMO.

Let’s hope that in 2 or 3 months the signal “fire under control” can be given and that the virus will be “defeated”. Then we can fully focus on the CMCdN in Culitzsch Germany on 19th September and make it one “big” happening for everyone, riders, spectators, friends, organizer and also those who cannot participate. Let us pray for a fast developing of the right virus inhibitor

It is the first time in our short ECMO history, that such a phenomenon has occurred and I really hope it will be the last time. Let’s try to rise up from this bizarre situation in a healthy way and that we are able to enjoy, with even more good feelings for each other, our beautiful sport again! (Also a little bit more aware of our insignificance than before).

Through our website we will keep you regularly informed of new developments, so check the site now and then.

Finally I wish you all and all your loved ones: Good Health and “keep your distance” so that the virus does not end up in “our ECMO family”.

Take care of yourself but also of your friends and neighbors. We must clear this “war”, with an invisible enemy, together!!. Than the celebration of the “new” start will be fantastic!

On behalf of the ECMO Board,


Liebe Classic Cross Freunde,

Wie wir alle wissen und spüren wird die Welt in diesen Moment vom Covid-19 Virus beherrscht. Ein mächtiger und gefährlicher Virus. Und so lange wir keinen guten Impfstoff haben und wir noch immer um die Welt reisen, wird es schwer diese Krankheit einzudämmern und am Ende unter Kontrolle zu bekommen.


HALTE ABSTAND ZU EINANDER UND “STAY SAFE!!” Dann treffen wir uns bestimmt noch, dieses Jahr in Culitzsch.

Sie werden verstehen das die komplette ECMO Frühlings Rennen, die CEC’s, abgesagt worden sind.

Die öffentliche Gesundheit muß jetzt Weltweit Priorität Nummer eins sein, so auch beim ECMO.

Hoffen wir das es in 2 oder 3 Monaten so ist das das Virus “besiegt” worden ist. Dann können wir Alle auch einer großen CMCdN Veranstaltung machen in Culitzsch für alle Fahrer, Zuschauer, Veranstalter, Sport Freunde usw. usw. 

Lass uns versuchen um uns gemeinsam in guter Gesundheit, aus dieser bizarren Situation zu erheben so das wir wahnsinnig genießen können von eine neue Start nach Covid-19, mit noch bessere Gefühle für einander. (Und auch etwas bewusster von unsere Bedeutungslosigkeit).

Lesen sie ab und zu der ECMO site über neue Entwicklungen.

Schließlich wünsche ich euch allen und allen ihren Lieben: “ Gute Gesundheit und Abstand bewahren bitte, damit das Virus nicht in unsere ECMO Familie gelangt!!

Pass auf dich auf, aber auch auf deine Freunde und Nachbarn. Wir müssen diesen “Krieg” mit einem unsichtbaren Feind gemeinsam beenden. Dann wird die Feier des neuen Starts in September in Culitzsch fantastisch werden.

Im Nahmen des ECMO Vorstands,




In a time when we seem to have everything under control and where we can make everything, there is something, very tiny and small, called virus, that tells us that we are far from knowing all and not able to do everything we want and that nature itself is still the boss and goes her own way.

This pandemic is a living proof of that. The question, therefore, what to do with the upcoming ECMO races is very difficult to answer as the virus infection at this moment continues to expand and also in more and more countries.
Whether or not to continue organizing the CEC-s, depends on many factors over which the ECMO has no influence.

The most important one is of course the health of everyone, associated with a club or as an individual participant or spectator. It would be sad if a carrier of the virus, without knowing it or being sick, would infect someone else, perhaps from another country, and so export it.
We are also dependent on whether a local and/or national government has announced measures regarding events, meetings, etc.
Obviously, this must be respected by ECMO and the club, for sure their permit will be withdrawn.
To what extent do you as a club want to put the riders from many countries, spectators and also your own staff at risk? These are dilemmas that cannot be solved by the clubs and the ECMO at this time.
Of course we hope that there will be a turnaround soon and the "climate" will become a bit more favorable.

We, ECMO, remain very vigilant and closely monitor the provision of the experts about the data on the virus and its distribution. Due to the international character of our events, there may be an increased risk. Italy is already completely blocked, no entry or exit possible. Several countries have also already taken measures with regard to sports and other events. Various bans have already been issued.
It is now very important for the organizing clubs whether an event may take place in its area or not, between now and the beginning of May. For the clubs, there is of course a deadline with regard to the organization. Is that 2 weeks, 3 weeks? Equipment will have to be leased (toilets / units etc), staff will be appointed, purchases will be made, grounds will be prepared, etc.

However, we also fully understand you as a rider. Whether or not to book a ferry crossing or a flight. It is also a matter of waiting for you.
Should there be a total stop from the government in Belgium and / or England, concerning the event, than we and the club, must of course respond to this unpleasant situation and cancel the event. Transferring the virus, knowingly or otherwise, to the event from any country and perhaps back, would be an unforgivable mistake on the part of both, club and ECMO. So with the slightest doubt, one should cancel the event.

With this preliminary strategy we hope that we can provide you in time with the necessary information at a somewhat later stage. We, ECMO, and the clubs will be in very close and frequent contact in the coming days and weeks. And we will keep you, as the interested parties, constantly informed of developments concerning the Corona case, via the ECMO website under “NEWS”.

On behalf of the ECMO Board,


In einer Zeit, in der wir scheinbar alles unter Kontrolle haben und in der wir alles herstellen können, gibt es etwas sehr Winziges und Kleines, das als Virus bezeichnet wird und uns sagt, dass wir weit davon entfernt sind alles zu wissen und zu können, und dass die Natur selber der Boss ist und geht ihren eigenen Weg.

Diese Pandemie ist ein lebender Beweis dafür. Die Frage, was mit den bevorstehenden CEC-Rennen zu tun ist, ist daher sehr schwer zu beantworten, da sich die Virusinfektion weiter ausbreitet und in immer mehr Ländern.

Ob weiter gemacht werden soll oder nicht mit die Organisation der CEC-s, hängt von vielen Faktoren ab, auf die wir als ECMO keinen Einfluss haben.

Das wichtigste ist natürlich die Gesundheit aller, im Verein , als Zuschauer oder als einzelner Teilnehmer . Es wäre traurig, wenn ein Träger des Virus, ohne es zu wissen oder krank zu sein, jemand anderen infizieren würde, vielleicht aus einem anderen Land, und es so exportieren würde.

Auch sind wir davon abhängig, ob eine lokale und/oder nationale Regierung Maßnahmen in Bezug auf Veranstaltungen, Treffen usw. angekündigt hat.

Dies muss natürlich beachtet werden und vielleicht wird sogar die Genehmigung zurückgezogen.\Inwieweit wollen wir, als ECMO und Klub die Fahrer aus vielen Ländern und Ihre eigenen Mitarbeiter gefährden? Dies sind Dilemmata, die im Moment von den Klubs und der ECMO nicht gelöst werden können.

Wir hoffen natürlich, dass es bald zu einer Trendwende kommt und das das "Klima" etwas günstiger wird.

Wir, ECMO, bleiben sehr wachsam und beobachten aufmerksam die Bereitstellung von Expertendaten zum Virus und seiner Verbreitung. Aufgrund des internationalen Charakters unserer Veranstaltungen besteht möglicherweise ein erhöhtes Risiko. Italien ist bereits komplett gesperrt, kein Ein- oder Ausstieg möglich. Mehrere Länder haben bereits Maßnahmen in Bezug auf Sport und andere Veranstaltungen ergriffen. Die Tsjechei ist zu. Verschiedene Verbote in andere Länder wurden bereits erlassen

Für die organisierenden Klubs ist es im Moment sehr wichtig, ob zwischen jetzt und Anfang Mai eine Veranstaltung auf ihrem Grundstück stattfinden darf. Für sie gibt es natürlich eine Frist in Bezug auf die Organisation. Sind das 2 Wochen, 3 Wochen? Ausrüstung muss geleast werden (Toiletten/ Zelt usw.), Personal wird ernannt, Einkäufe werden getätigt, Strecke wird vorbereitet usw.

Wir haben aber auch viel Verständnis für sie als Fahrer. Ob Sie ja oder nein eine Fähre buchen sollten, oder eine Flug. Auch mit diese Sachen wissen wir nicht genau was zu tun und muss man ein wenig Geduld haben. Wird es für Belgien und/oder England zu einem Totalstopp der Regierung kommen, dann müssen wir diese Entscheidung natürlich respektieren. Die Übertragung des Virus während oder nach der Veranstaltung, aus oder zu einem beliebigen Land, wäre sowohl für den Klub als auch für die ECMO ein unverzeihlicher Fehler. Mit dem geringsten Zweifel sollte man die Veranstaltung absagen.

Wir hoffen Ihnen durch diese und noch folgende Erklärungen rechtzeitig die erforderliche Informationen zur Verfügung stellen zu können. ECMO und der Klub pflegen häufigen und intensiven Kontakt die kommenden Tage und Wochen. Wir werden Sie ständig über die Entwicklungen bezüglich des Virus informieren. All dies finden Sie auf der ECMO Website unter „NEWS“ 

Im Nahmen des ECMO Vorstandes




A new year has begun. And everyone has his/her wishes and desires.

The board of ECMO hopes that you all have a beautiful and heathy 2020 ahead and that your wishes will be fulfilled. As ECMO we hope for a wonderful and sporty season.

I am delighted to announce that ECMO can welcome a new country as a member: Slovakia is joining the classic motorsport family. A warm welcome to them on behalf of all of us and a lot of fun and sporting pleasure in the future.

Hope to see you all on first of May in Belgium (Molenbeersel) for the first CEC!

Kind regards, also on behalf of my fellow board members,



Namens ECMO van harte gefeliciteerd en nog veel gelukkige jaren 


Beautiful ECMO season ends with a damper

What should have been a big party in Marum, as a closing piece of the season, 
ended in sadness about the death of our German cross friend Rainer Dierolf. 
After his race late in the afternoon, he died. He will remain in our memory.

Nevertheless, under beautiful weather conditions and on a fantastic track, we have been able to enjoy exciting competitions, 
between the teams, where continuing to the limit sometimes yielded just those points to score. 
MC Marum had his tasks well organized and deserves praise. 
Except for a few minor things that were fortunately restored, everything went well.
The whole atmosphere was good and at the Ladies Hour on Friday the ladies were surprised by a purely Dutch scene, 
organizers dressed in traditional costumes and a barrel organ created a fantastic atmosphere.
The souvenir clogs were also greatly appreciated, as were the drinks and the snacks.

The races on Saturday, were opened by the chairman for sport affairs in the municipality of Westerkwartier, Mrs. Pastoor. She was proud to do this and was excited about the great number of riders from 13 European countries and their ages. The races, without severe accidents, were beautiful and exciting in the various groups.

In the 30+ class Toman Radek (CZ) came from another planet. Fast and easy riding he got 2 first places. But the English riders, Winder, Rice and Hinchliffe and Partington, were riding compact in the front and that one DNF of David Riha as enough to let England win this battle with Czech Republic on second and Belgium on third place and close behind on fourth place the Netherlands

In the 50+ class there is also a rider of exceptional class, as if it’s going, so simple, Jan Blancquaert (BE). But here also, the rest of his team except Chris Smeyers, lost too much places. And again, as in 30+, the compact riding English pilots Best, Archer, Cox and Womack were the winning team. Belgium second and the Danish in third, with Nielsen, Vad, Johansson and Andreasen just a few points before the Czechs in 4th position.

In the 60+ class it was very exciting. Dutch rider Van den Nieuwenhof was successful in both manches, but right behind him Pentilla and Lahthi from Finland were really on the push. The Dutch riders Kroon and Vernet were riding good but Polsvoort had bad luck in the first manche with engine damage. Finally, after correcting with the scratch results they finished equal. But in the second manche the Finnish, also with the riders Uro and Jarvinen scored 4 points better than the Dutch and now are European Champion. Netherlands second and on third place the Swedish team with Karlsson, Carlsson and two times Envall.

The 66+ riders Stodulka, Hanacek, Kozak and Bezdicek with 6 top 10 results and one 12 place, are the new champions, before a good riding Dutch team with Arkema, Homan, Van de Brom and Van Venrooij. Fast racing Walter Senn and Rudolf Kunzler were not able to get that second place. With Frei and Mohr they took place 3. Feeling the hot breath of Sweden in their neck.

In the 72+ it was a piece of cake for the Swedish team, Bernardson, Astorson, Elmgren and Gustavsson. Far behind them came the rest with the Danish team, Bak Skovsen, Pedersen, Jorgenssen and Preuss steady riding for place 2 and they could keep the Dutch team with Jan Keizer, finally back on his Triumph, Ties Franssen, strong race, Hans Polsvoort and Piet van Dijk behind them on place 3.

After all we must take the conclusion that classic moto cross lives like never before, with 208 riders from 13 different countries. No serious accidents due to the respect one has for each other and the pleasure in sport.

The board of ECMO wants to thank the organizers in Europe enormously for the good cooperation and all the work they did, so that this beautiful classic moto cross can still be ridden. Hopefully we see each other also next year, with CEC races in Belgium (Molenbeersel), England (Reading) and Czech Republik (Jinin) and the CMCdN in Germany (Culitzsch).







Until 1999, classic competitions were held in which various European countries participated, but it was not yet an organization.


To  raise the level of classic motocross nationally and internationally, in 1999, at the initiative of some Dutchmen of Dutch Pre 70 from The Netherlands contact was sought with other countries where classic motocross was also practiced. 


As a result, the ECMO was established.

European Classic Motocross Organization
was established in January 1999


 "The member countries all cherish the same goal:
 Trying to keep the motorbikes as original as possible 
and ride them the way as in the original time."
(Art. 1 ECMO Rules)

It must be an exclusive event."

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

                                     More information about:
                                     a CMCdN country teams with results over the years
                                     a CEC Classic European Championship




I N   M E M O R I A M

* 14-12-1958     RAINER  DIEROLF     † 21-09-2019


Die Nachricht von Rainers Tod, im Fahrer Lager nach dem Rennen, hat uns Alle sehr betrübt.

Der Vorstand vom ECMO spricht zu seinem Tod, ihre herzliche Anteilnahme aus.

Wir wünschen seine Frau, Familie und seine viele klassischen Motorcross Freunde Kraft und Stärke in diesen für Sie schweren Zeit.

We were shocked by the sudden death of our German classic rider in the paddock after the race. 
The board of ECMO wishes his wife, family and all his friends, strength to bear this loss.

May he rest in peace.

Alberto Langenberg  (Chairman of ECMO)






Over 50 teams out of 13 countries in Europe take part in the Classic Moto Cross des Nations 2019 on 21 th September in Marum NL.

Come and see what this old technic from the 50’s and 60’s from the last century can bring to exiting competition and nice sport.

Fighting for the honor of their country, over 200 riders will start on Matchless, Eso, CZ, Husqvarna, Bultaco, Triumph, BSA etc. etc. to have a fantastic classic race day.

If you love the wonderful old technic, you have to come to Marum and look around in the paddock and riders will give you an explanation of their bikes.

Visit on 20th and 21th September Marum and enjoy also the very nice surrounding.

Hope to see you - Alberto



Dear sport friends, in this special year we hope that the CMCdN in Marum will bring a lot of fantastic classic motorsport. The organizer has promised to make something great out of this event. And knowing the club I am sure it will be something beautiful. I am already looking forward to the presentation of the teams in their outfit and listening to the national anthems. The impressive atmosphere and the ECMO friendliness. I, all of us, hope for many teams from the various countries. I wish the team captains a lot of wisdom in putting it together.

S E E  Y O U  I N  M A R U M.

On 21th September or earlier,

Sporting regards, Alberto




New ECMO champions 2019 are known
An exciting apotheosis at the end of the season

The adjusted CEC series for the European championship was particularly successful, but the differences were very small. There really had to be a fight for every point, but with honesty and respect for the opponent. At the top it was almost a photo finish, only 1 or 2 points made the difference over the 6 manches. Magnificent! This is how this fascinating CEC series in Netolice ended.

ECMO expresses its great appreciation to the organizers in Ramonchamp (FR) and Netolice (CZ). They have again proven how the classic cross can provide great motorsport and also attract more and more visitors. The adjusted program, after the unfortunate outages due to bad weather in Casal Monferrato (IT), worked out well and made everyone happy.

Now we are looking forward to the last ECMO event in Marum (NL), the CMCdN (Classic Moto Cross des Nations).

This grandiose happening will take place on 21 September, so book this date in advance, you will not regret it. Take some days off, beautiful! 

We ‘ll meet again in September.





06-07-2019     CEC-3     NETOLICE CZ

In a few days we all hope to enjoy the CEC-3 in Netolice CZ.

We can expect good and fair races under beautiful conditions.

If you are not participating in the race, try to go to Netolice in South Bohemia. A really fantastic part of the Czech Republic. There is so much to discover there qua nature but also in terms of history. Consider Queen with the ”Bohemian Rapsody”, or the world famous “Budweiser Beer” that originally comes from here and now one of the best beers in USA.

Look for tourist information on internet or at the links I put in the former announcement about CEC-3.

I really hope to meet a lot of Classic Moto Cross friends in Netolice and to have good races and a good atmosphereon the track and in the paddock.

Let this last race for the 2019 CEC season be an unforgettable one.

Your sport friend Alberto



CEC-3    CEC-3    CEC-3    CEC-3

Dear sportfreinds, in 3 weeks, on Saturday 6th of July, we have the final race for the European Championship.

We are a guest at MSK Netolice in South Bohemia. A very beautiful part of the Czech Republik and worth seeing it for a few days. There are also some special and interesting places and cases to visit. (see the links at the end, castles, famous brewery etc)

This CEC has the same exceptional time table as during CEC-2 in Ramonchamp. The board of the Moto Club Ramoncenais was so enthousiastic about the ECMO event, that they decided to participate in Netolice.

C’est beau n’est pas?!!

With this new exceptional system with 3 manches per day, there is a lot possible in the different classes.during this final event.

In the 72+ class Werner Mohr has good papers for the victory, but there are 4 riders, Bernardsson and Astorsson, (both SE) and Dandoy (BE) and Büttner (DE) who have to fight for a plce on the stage and even place one is still possible, because of 3 results. Nice!!!!

Roger Brelet , at this moment the reigning champion and the leader now in 66+, has all possibillities, but behind him, closer as ever there is a battle between Josefsson (SE), Senn (CH), Homan (NL) and 2 Czech
riders, Hanacek and Kozak.  And we all know that the Czechs are always strong in there home land.

The 60+ class seems to be a battle between 3 P’s.Peter Matthia, Peter van den Nieuwenhof and Patrice Thioux (EN, NL, BE). But don’t forget Fiorello Sberze (IT), he sneakily approaches the top.

The top of the 50+ class is probably a fight between 2 countries, Belgium and Czech Republik.Blancquaert and Smeyers, against Dokoupil and Kavsky. Seems that Blancquaert has the best papers for it.

The most close battle for the championship is perhaps the race in 30+ class. Riha (CZ) and Solda (IT) are that close and from an outstanding level, also a nice battle between a 2 stroke CZ and a beautiful 4 stroke CCM.

ut don’t forget all the fair battles in the midfield in different classes. Every competitor is fighting for his best position and that brings joy and friendship.

We know that it will be a perfect organized event and hope for a bit of good weather.

So try to have an unforgettable trip to our last CEC race.

Hopefully do we see each other in Netolice

Board of the ECMO


May be very interesting for you:    Budvar         Cesky Krumlov        Hluboká nad Vltavou










M o t o c l u b   R a m o n c e n a i s

Inviting so many guests to your 50th birthday and treat them so well . . . . CHAPEAU!!!!!!!

That one word formidable covers the weekend in Ramonchamp with the CEC2. A wonderful more or less special track, with a very good equipped team of club members and volunteers. The track was very good prepared and all riders enjoyed the races, however 3 races a day was something new. Because of the sad cancellation in Casale, we made a small move in our daily program to try to create in the other two CEC races 6 manches for the championship points. This improvisation for that day have worked out perfect and everybody was satisfied. So this Exceptional Time Table can work in an emergency situation in the future.

The beautiful weather in the Vosges was the icing on the cake. Monsieur Champenois, president of the club and monsieur Grandclaude and all the others did really make it an unforgettable CEC-2. Even the mayor of Ramonchamp was proud about the job done by all club members and also people out of the community of Ramonchamp. 

The races were all exciting and struggling for positions gave beautiful motocross. Specially the narrow chicane after the start should give problems, . . . why? Sensible classic cross riders simply solve this! (for results and pictures see the ECMO site)

The final closing in the tent was fantastic, perfect local wines, the dinner with delicious local products and a desert . . .  . Wonderful. The atmosphere was exuberant partly due to cozy accordion music. A little dance, community singing . . . . 

Martial Antoine can be mentioned as a thousand legs of the club. Preparing all days before the race, riding himself in 50+ and making music in the evening with his accordion, CHAPEAU!!!!!

It remains for me to thank everyone for all the work to make this beautiful and good CEC a success. I hope to see you all healthy and well in Netolice in July.

Board of ECMO







Don't forget: 25 May !!!

Nicht vergessen!

N'oublie pas!

Non dimenticare!


Glem ikke

Glöm inte

I hope to see you all for the "Challence Classic Europeen" in Ramonchamp. 
Have a good trip









Bonjour chers amis de la Moto Cross Anciennes.
Soyez les bienvenus
dans Ramonchamp en France!


I sincerely hope that this event can simply be organized under normal weather conditions, good for the sport, the organizer, for you and me.

In Ramonchamp where nearby the river Moselle Originates, in the beautiful Vosges. 


The interest for the race is fantastic and all the groups are full. So that means if you, registered and confirmed, for what reason cannot go to Ramonchamp, give a sign and your cross friend will be happy because he, as reserve, can start now.

Have a good trip and we will meet each other for this CEC in 2 weeks.





Hello Classic ECMO riders,

Once again there is great interest in the ECMO races, thanks to good organizers, good circuits for the classic and a fantastic atmosphere.
For various reasons, the organizers are sometimes bound by rules, which means that a maximum number of drivers are allowed to start in a race. This differs per circuit.

We, as ECMO, have to respect this, although sometimes riders will fall out as a result. We of course regret this very much, but it is a fact.

Therefore an urgent request to you as a driver. If you have registered for a race and you have received your confirmation, then also go to that race. If, for whatever reason, you are still unable to go, report this as soon as possible so that a "reserve" rider can participate in your place.

Staying away without a message is very non-collegial to your fellow driver and will lead to a penalty. You can then be placed on the reserve list for next races which are full!!
Be sporty and report your absence in time !!
Let us again ensure beautiful races in the coming season.

Kind regards 

Board of the ECMO




After the sad failure of CEC-1 in Casale, the ECMO Board has decided to make a small adjustment to the Regular Time Table.

In this case 3 manches/races per day are planned. This Exceptional Time Table counts for both CEC-2 and CEC-3.

Out of 6 results, the best 5 count. This small change in the Time Table makes it possible to have a more balanced championship.

It is an Exceptional Time Table (see below) and not for a Regular Season.


Board of ECMO






Enrolment/ Technical inspection


Training / Time Training 30+

25 Min (15 min Training / 10 Min Time Training)


Training / Time Training 72+

25 Min (15 min Training / 10 Min Time Training)


Training / Time Training 66+

25 Min (15 min Training / 10 Min Time Training)


Training / Time Training 60+

25 Min (15 min Training / 10 Min Time Training)


Training / Time Training 50+

25 Min (15 min Training / 10 Min Time Training)

                                     Start Indication by a board


Meeting of the Jury / Pause

Round 1


First leg 30+

20 Min + 1 Lap


First leg 72+

15 Min + 1 Lap


First leg 66+

15 Min + 1 Lap


First leg 60+

15 Min + 1 Lap


First leg 50+

20 Min + 1 Lap

Round 2


Second leg 30+

20 Min + 1 Lap


Second leg 72+

15 Min + 1 Lap


Second leg 66+

15 Min + 1 Lap


Second leg 60+

15 Min + 1 Lap


Second leg 50+

20 Min + 1 Lap



Round 3


Third leg 30+

20 Min + 1 Lap


Third leg 72+

15 Min + 1 Lap


Third leg 66+

15 Min + 1 Lap


Third leg 60+

15 Min + 1 Lap


Third leg 50+

20 Min + 1 Lap


Meeting of the jury


Price giving winner of the day


Champions Ceremony

After the third race.




Force Majeure


It is hard to make a decision that makes everyone happy.
Also the decision to cancel the CEC-1 in Casale Monferrato.

After prolonged rainfall, the paddock was virtually inaccessible on Thursday afternoon 25th of April and also the track was in a very muddy bad condition and  the forecast for Friday said some more rain. No cars could go into the paddock at that moment. Normally there should come about 180 cars, vans, campers etc. within 24 hours. They now were waiting outside. So in order to prevent that riders from all parts of Europe, some distances over 2500 km, should come for free to Casale, the very difficult decision was taken. After hours of consultation, the interested parties decided at 03.00 PM to cancel the CEC. 
Some riders had already turned home. At that time it was perhaps possible to warn a lot of riders by representatives of countries and other cross friends about the decision. They appreciated that very much. But it remains very sad, specially for the club that has put a lot of energy and time into this CEC. Thank you for that. Hopefully was this the first and the last cancellation of an ECMO race.

Kindly yours
Board of ECMO


ATTENTION                            ATTENTION

The CEC-1 competition on
Saturday, 27-04-2019 
Casale Monferrato in Italy


due the weather conditions

 They have had a lot of rain and there is more rain to come and the parking is impossible and the track is also not good







Hello friends our first race is coming. We have a nice full program. The ECMO CEC-races are very success full and bring a lot of participants with their beautiful bikes together. Hopefully we see each other in Italy, where we were also in 2007. If you are participating, be sure you come otherwise give a sign. And if you want to enjoy the sport, you are welcome too and taste the great atmosphere.


See you there my friends
………………………. ALBERTO




Hopefully we all start to wake up slowly from the hibernation. 
Because within 2 months the CEC series starts in Casale in Italy. 
We wish all classic riders a sporty, beautiful and safe cross season. 
The following races, in Ramonchamp (FR) and Netolice (CZ) also promised to become wonderful events. 
As final race this year we have the CMCdN in Marum (NL). 
And this race must be, according to the ideas of the organizer, a worthy end of the season.

Looking forward to see you all.

Board of ECMO-Alberto



We came to know about the European Classic Motocross event to be held in Casale Monferrato the last weekend of April.
As usual we reserve promotional rates at our Motoclub.
With the present I enclose an invitation to propose us, to the participants.
Hoping to have made you a pleasant thing, I remain at your disposal for any questions.

Click for the invitation



Harald Mühlig, representative of Germany has send the information below.

Hallo Freunde,

Hier einige Infos Für Euch.

Traditionsclubs (drei ehemalige WM Veranstalter) organisieren Classic Moto Cross!


NEU! 3 Internationale Classic Moto Cross 2019


Classic        Twinshock       EVO


15.06. 2019         MSV Schwanenstadt Österreich 

                              Info: www.MSV-Schwanenstadt.AT - NEWS

 07.09 2019         Holice  CZ

                              Info: www.cmxhk.CZ - oder Michal Griger -

14.09.2019          MSC Fürstlich Drehna




2019 E C M O 2019


Casale Monferrato
Czech Republic

Dear Sportfriends,

As you can see on our calendar for 2019, the delegates at the AGM, have decided for the 3 CEC races to go to Italy, France and the Czech Republic. The CMCdN for 2019 is in The Netherlands as you already know, in Marum. For 2020 the CMCdN will be organized in Germany.

In Casale Monferrato, CEC-1, we have already been a long time ago, in 2007. Nice to return in this beautiful city in Piedmont with her very nice Piazza Mazzini. The second CEC we have in France, where we were for the last time in 2013. The city of Ramonchamp in the Vosges is our hostess. Near the city, situated in a beautiful valley, is the source of the river Moselle. For CEC-3 we go to Netolice in South Bohemia (CZ). The city with the fantastic beautiful white castle, Hluboka nad Vladvou. And as you have read above, the CMCdN is in Marum (NL). 

The Board of ECMO and the Representatives of the countries think that 2019 can be a nice year for the “classics” with these 4 chosen events. 


For ECMO two things are very important, safety and pleasure. Safety for the riders but also for the spectators and fun in riding “classic” races and meeting friends from all parts of Europe. We do not like injuries and try to avoid them as much as possible in close cooperation with the organizing clubs.

So it can happen that, bound to local government regulations and insurance regulations, a club is bound to a maximum number of riders in a race. This will increasingly be the case for safety in the future. And ECMO fully supports this development that can make our wonderful sport even more safe and beautiful. So there is a maximum of 40 riders at the start of each race in Casale Monferrato (CEC-1) and Netolice (CEC-3) and a maximum of 37 riders in Ramonchamp (CEC-2).

The riders who go for the competition over 3 CEC’s, have priority at the enrolment. Once the maximum is reached in a class, the enrolment will be stopped!! An accepted rider receives a confirmation with his number and he has to show this to the secretary of the club at the enrolment. The lists of riders will be placed on the ECMO site in time for the races. So it is impossible to enrol on the day of the race in a full class!! In case of a doubt, the ECMO board decides, whether or not in consultation with the country representative.

We wish you all a nice new season 2019.

Board of ECMO



2018 – ECMO – 2018



A wonderful season had a briljant final in Pacov with the Classic Moto Cross des Nations. Blessed with beautiful weather all races could be organized. And CHAPEAU for the organizers and their staff. Everything was well prepared and so there was a nice atmosphere during all races. Thanks on behalf of the riders and spectators and ECMO. Through this good organized races and the friendly atmosphere the popularity of the classic motocross is still growing. Nice to see that.

Than the CMCdN in Pacov an overwhelming success.

The AMK Pacov received 218 riders from 16 European countries, a new record. Never before we had that number of participants. And all was perfect under control.

All ingredients for a nice championship were present. And the well dressed teams fought for each point. And so the thousands of spectators could enjoy amazingly and exiting classic motorsport on those beautiful classic bikes, all build before 1974.

Thanks to Svendborg, Reading, Bad Salzungen and Pacov for your hospitality for the classic riders from the ECMO family and a wonderful motorsport year.

I hope that the slow-growing trend of participants continues in the near  future.
Chairman of ECMO







































15th september 2018  cmcdn pacov

     ATTENTION             ATTENTION    


Let’s have a wonderful and fair CMCdN. 



Be sure that the bikes for the different groups are in line with the rules and also in good technical condition. 
Special attention for the suspension.  
If there is doubt, figures will be compared with the data on the  Entry form. 


Team Captains be sure that your riders have the right bike for their groups and also that the bikes are in line with the rules. If not than the rider will harm his team and also his country with 50 penalty points per manche.
We want fairness and joy in our classic motorsport.




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






15-09-2018              PACOV

              CMCdN                         CZECH REPUBLIC


Dear sportfriends don’t miss this event!

The small city of Pacov is very motorsport minded.

The city is looking forward to welcome all riders and spectators from the different European countries. It is worth staying a little bit longer, before or after the CMCdN and enjoy the country and the very friendly citizens.

We will meet again for this yearly wonderful ECMO event on September 15. 
Have a nice summer, a perfect holiday and stay healthy.





Bad salzungen



This CEC-season from ECMO is finished.

All three races were blessed with wonderful nice weather. The fantastic organization of the three clubs, their really good tracks for the classics, the friendly cooperation and all facilities in the paddocks and also around it, deserves a low bow!! “CHAPEAU”!!



Specially the last race in Bad Salzungen brought a lot of pressure in several groups because of all the possible final results. On the track with really big differences in altitude, a few favourites had problems with their bikes and that brought new changes for the pursuers. Strange enough it happens in both manches in 60+ and 72+. In de last group Hans Astorsson was the lucky one because of the engine troubles by Oostra and Buttner. Admirable is that we have in this group 3 riders over 80! Unbelievable, told me a reporter of the German Television WDR, who made an impression of this event. And Bad Salzungen can be proud because of this total happening. The camera man of WDR found the structure and the programming during this ECMO event very special but clever.


In the 30+ there was a battle between David Riha (CZ) and Wayne Partington (EN) and also with 2 riders, Vare Teet(EE) and Olivier Derome (BE), very close behind. Each small mistake could mixed up the ranking. Was Petr Kotria(CZ) the most fast man this day in Bad S., David could follow, but Wayne wasn’t in good shape that day and even had to give way to Bjorn Verdoodt (BE). A nice and very fast race. So Riha the champion, with Partington 2 and Derome 3 place,


A big friendly man on a CZ, very fast, we know him as Karel Mitvalsky (CZ). Lightning fast with spectacular jumps, he was special class that CEC-3. A pity he was not in Reading, then we could have had a thrilling competition for the 50+ Championship. Now Aadu Sikk (EE), George Best (EN), John Smeyers (BE) and Jan William Nielsen (DK) were in for the best places. Finally Aadu and George had equal points, same number of manches won, so the last manche in Bad S. was decisive. In what way exiting?! Aadu new champion, Keith on second and close behind John on 3 place.


Do you know that we had over 200 participants in total at the start!!!! Classic cross well organized and in good harmony with the clubs is alive and kicking. Respect in two ways is the medicine. 


Still getting a bit older in ages (60+), but looking to the races you can’t believe what you see. Names? Van de Nieuwenhof (NL), Matthia (EN), Fura (FR),Branda (CZ), Senn (CH), Polsvoort (NL), Martineaud (FR),Winiger(CH), boys over 60. Riding like youngsters. Battling, changing positions, wonderful to look at. But finally Peter Matthia was the Champion with Alain Fura (2) and Vitezslav Branda(3) on the platform.


The following group is the 66+ group. There was this year one rider who seemed to be unbeatable. Difficult to say his name in English, is his nick name “Crême Brulée”. We are talking about Roger Brelet, the French B&B combination, Brelet and his BSA! Behind him it was an exciting battle between Dunford(EN), Dehan(FR), Larsen(DK) and 3 Dutch riders, Van de Brom, Polsvoort and Homan and the Swiss rider Werner Mohr. Special for this group is that we see so many beautiful 4-strokes. 



Last but not least we have our special group of former champions, with beautiful bikes from the early 1960’s. The 72+ group with about 30 riders is a group were the first 6 riders have the possibility to score high in the ranking. And this last race was very thrilling because of the fact that Oostra(BE) and Buttner(DE) were almost equal in points. But then…....… the first manche Oostra felt and his bike didn’t start, so Buttner could pick the championship, but…....……… He made a mistake by overtaking Renders (ES) and……..for both FINITO championship. Hans Astorsson (SE) went smiling over the finish line.


During my 11 years of chairmanship of ECMO, I cannot remember a year so beautiful qua tracks, organizers and weather. Special the weather has contributed to that great number of participants and the intense nice atmosphere in the paddock, during “Ladies Hour” and the firm but fair battles on the track.


I only can say thanks to all of you, riders, spectators, volunteers and last but not least our organizers. THANK YOU!!!

But now we have to prepare our special meeting in September, the Classic Moto Cross des Nations (CMCdN), in Pacov in the Czech Republic on 15th September 2018. I hope that we can welcome many teams from the several member countries.


For the complete ranking and results go to the ECMO Website-Results and open it.

The same you can do with the pictures from all races. Go to: 

Enjoy your summer holidays, collect new energy and let us meet each other again in Pacov (CZ).


Kindly yours,


Die Saison 2018 mit dem 3 CEC-Rennen ist vorbei.

Die neue Europa Meister sind bekannt. Gesegnet mit fabelhaftes Wetter, prima „Classic“ Strecken und 3 hervorragende Veranstalter, war dieses Jahr einer der schönsten in meine 11 Jährige Periode als Vorsitzender der ECMO. Ein riesen Kompliment an Alle die damit beschäftigt gewesen sind. Helfer, Streckenposten, 
Rote Kreuz, die Damen von Ladies Hour, usw. Herzlichen Dank dafür! CHAPEAU!!!!

Das Abschluss Rennen in Bad Salzungen war ein sehr spannendes Rennen aber in eine entspannende Atmosphäre, wobei Streit und Respekt, siegen und Freundschaft, neben einander standen. Der Auftritt einer Spanische Flamenco Tänzerin während „Ladies Hour“ war eine  Überraschung für die Damen.


Wissen Sie übrigens das ins Gesamt über 200 Fahrer mitgemacht haben in ein oder mehrere CEC Rennen? 

Jedes Rennen waren da um 160 Fahrer am Start!!! „Classic Moto Cross“ , gut organisiert und in guten Harmonie zwischen Veranstalter, Fahrer und ECMO, ist quicklebendig!


Und jetzt präparieren wir uns auf dem „Classic Moto Cross des Nations“, (CMCdN) in Pacov in Tsjechien am 15 September. Aber vorher wünsche ich Euch, auch im Nahmen des Vorstands, eine wunderschöne Sommer Ferien. Entspannen sie richtig und komm mit volle Batterie wieder gesund nach Hause und auch nach Pacov. Ich hoffe das es sehr viele Teams geben wird aus sehr viele Länder.

Die Resultate der CEC und auch die Bilder, findet man auf der ECMO Site, bei „Resultate“ und „Bilder“ und die Adresse ist: 


Lass auch diese Veranstaltung in Pacov eine schöne und „exclusive“ sein. Schöne Sommer und bis 15 September in Pacov.


Sportliche Grüße,



Classic Moto Cross Only for Men……..


When in 1966 James Brown released his new single “It’s a man’s, man’s, man’s world” he couldn’t know that in 2018 it still seems to be true, looking on the track and in the paddock during the ECMO races.

But are there no women involved in the classic cross? Of course they are. They are there to support their men and friends, give instructions during the race, cooking etc. They are an important part of the races weekends. Having their own “Ladies Hour” to socialize with other European women, eat and drink some and have fun, but…….from a technical point of view we see very few women. Though when I tell you there is such a lady, complete in love with all parts of classic bikes, you all know her. Almost every “classic” event she is there.

  See this drawing. If you want any part of it, tell her, give her your measures and she will make it exactly as you want. Very precisely, with her computer, as written in the manual. But than real new.  

No matter what you want to have made. Always exact like the original but from new material and alloys. Gear box complete, cog wheels, crankshaft or camshaft, hubs etc. etc.

This female engineer is “special” in her work. Give her a block of aluminium and she makes a hub for you.Her name is Anita Squirrell and she is always there, with her husband Mark Cook, with that beautiful complete self made CCM, with the camper and in the “PES” tent.(Performance Engineering Services Ltd).


t was really a pleasure for me to have had an interview with her. With full passion she talks about all the work she has to do before she can make the copy of an original part.

Together with Mark, they try to keep all classic bikes rolling with sometimes very rare and specific parts.





Jawohl liebe Sport Freunde
Das letzte Rennen im ECMO Lauf ist da. Ein neue Veranstalter und eine neue Strecke sorgen beide dafür das wir hoffen aber auch vertrauen das es in Bad Salzungen „Am Dammberg“ eine fantastische CEC Finale geben soll mit schöne und spannende Rennen und am Schluss die echte neue Europa Meister 2018.

Hello sport friends of the ECMO races.
The last race is coming soon on 16th June in Bad Salzungen (DE) on the “Am Dammberg” track.

The new organizer and the club “MSC Kali Bad” with their chairman Hans-Joachim Graul want to create a wonderful final of the individual European ECMO championship 2018.

If you have the possibility to go there, take some extra time to enjoy that beautiful province of Thüringen and her nice small cities.
To all classic riders I like to say: “After 2 fantastic races I really hope that you also will enjoy the last one and make this a perfect season”.

Come to Bad Salzungen on the 16th June, to celebrate our new European Champions.

See you there,


Mortimer Classic Motor Cycle Club at Benneth’s Hill


Than you are sure that John Dowse and Mark Bosher will show you how to organize a “Classic Cross”. Experience over many years also with ECMO. And if you have such an amazing weather that Saturday all ingredients are there for a brilliant race weekend. Also the Saturday of the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and his Meghan, the duchess of Sussex. Nice that they choose our CEC-day for their wedding.

It has been a narrow escape because of all the rain the week before, but the track was really in perfect condition and that you find back in the lap times in the various groups. It went fast, very fast, with average speeds between 30 (72+) and 35 mph (30+).

The “youngsters” have a very close competition. Riders from Estonia, England, Belgium and the Czech Republic are almost from the same speed quality. Partington (EN), Riha (CZ) and Derome (BE) are struggling for every inch and they must feel also coming new riders like Lemaire (B), Vaare (EE), Korinek (CZ) and Rattink (NL) right behind them. But finally Wayne Partington was too strong on his “homeland” track.

In the biggest group, the 50+, there we see a neck-and-neck race between Aadu Sikk(EE) and Keith Best(EN). Normally one of them will become the new champion, but in mechanical sports always something unexpected can happen. And then 5 or 6 riders are ready to take over. We have Dronet(FR) Archer(EN), Schapendonk(NL), Nielsen(DK), Collins(EN) and Radley(IE) who are almost from the same level. Thrilling till the end I promise.

In the 60+ class it was a pity that Peter vd Nieuwenhof(NL) was not able to compete with another Peter, Peter Matthia(EN). Two qua style different riders but both are enormous fast. They cannot make any mistakes because 2 French riders and a Czech and a Dutchman lie in wait. Branda, Polsvoort, Fura and Martineaud are ready to take over the positions.

There is a French combination in the 66+ group that is nearly unbeatable. Roger Brelet and his beautiful BSA are going like a lightning. Behind him we have interesting battles between Dunford (EN), Dehan (FR), Polsvoort (NL), Larsen (DK), Mohr (CH) and Deer (EN). The changing of the positions are nice to look at. That means a sensational final CEC in Bad Salzungen (DE) on 16th of June.

Finally the 72+ group, guys with a lot of experience, not the most fasted group, but a clever racing group. You see it during the practice. Not directly full speed, but looking and reading the track and then setting a good time. The “oldies” from Spain to Finland and all countries in between know each other for so many years and have huge pleasure in racing. Oostra (BE) seems to battle till the last lap with Büttner (DE) for the championship. But also Krapek (CZ), Astorsson (SE), Gref (CZ) and Roelofs( NL) can still go for a place on the platform.

I promise you that on 16th June in Germany we will see many, many fair battles in every group for every place. I hope also to see you there and to enjoy this marvelous classic cross.




Hello friends,

In a few days we have our second CEC in Reading. 
The track with her beautiful slopes with grass and the technical part in the wood. 
It will surely give some thrilling races in that typical English atmosphere. 
I hope to see you all for the line-up, just like in Svendborg and wish you all, riders and spectators, a nice and sportive weekend.




The “Motorcykel Clubben Svendborg” has organized for ECMO a perfect 
CEC-1. Blessed by a blue sky and full sun, all the riders did enjoy this race and they were very happy with the special prepared track for the “classics”. All credits to the volunteers of MCS. The vice Mayor of Svendborg, said a warm welcome to all the international participants and wishes them good luck.

The races were exiting in a few classes. Battles between 2 and 4-strokes, in front and in the midfield. Nice for the spectators is that they can follow this all from the high walls who are surrounding the track. They saw in the 30+ group changing places at the front but finally Czech rider David Riha finished before Wayne Partington from England and Olivier Derome (BE).

In the 50+ Karel Mitvalsky from CZ, was really on form. Behind him, about 6 seconds Keith Best (EN) and Aadu Sikk (EE) were following just before Keith Rice (EN) and John Smeyers (BE). The last two fought for each centimeter.

Although we know that Peter vd Nieuwenhof (NL) is very fast, this day he had a real opponent in Peter Matthia (EN). But the Englishman had some technical problems and could not fight till the end. A new French rider Alain Fura, he was on his BSA a bit faster than Janda (CZ) and Jarvinen (FL). A pity for Lars Attesjo who felt and injured his ankle.

Vive la France! A beautiful BSA, a top fit Roger Brelet and you have a fast combination in the 66+ group. Although the local favourite Cai Larssen and the Italian CZ-rider Renzo de Santis tried to push, Roger was taking more and more distance. Another French rider Pierre Dehan, second place in the first manche, had an engine problem in the second and could not play an important part over all. 

And then our “youngsters”. The new classification of the 72+ instead of the former 70+ group brings more balance in the groups as well in number of riders as well in the physical equality. This group is that equal that there are in potency 7 or 8 favourites for the victory. Finally Wolfgang Buttner (DE) was the winner, but Hans Astorsson (SE) and Oost Oostra (BE), Bent Preus (DK) and Jindrich Gref and Antonin Krapek (both CZ) are waiting for there chance.

This beautiful start of the new season disserves a nice follow up in two weeks in Reading (EN). We know the organizer, specialized in classic, and hope for them also a good weather weekend.

Hope to see you all in England on the 19th of May.



05-05-2018   Svendborg  ECMO CEC-1

Coming soon, our first ECMO race in Denmark.

A warm welcome to everybody in this new “Classic” season. We hope you will enjoy it as a rider or as a spectator, the whole year. 

See you in SVENDBORG!


Bald ist es soweit, unser erste Rennen in Dänemark.

Herzlich willkommen für alle in dieser neue „Classic“ Saison.
Wir hoffen das ihr dies genießt, das ganze Jahr, als Fahrer oder Zuschauer. 

Wir treffen uns in SVENDBORG!





More information



 Decision of the general meeting 2017



The secretariat for enrolment has been changed.

The correct address is stated on the entry form

Das Sekretariat für die Nennung wurde geändert.

Die korrekte Adresse ist auf dem Nennungsformular angegeben

Enrolment Nennung


Click for older news